Monday, September 14, 2009

"Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa) – Comment

Haha I actually think that that is funny on a very superficial level! It is cave man like! I like the analogy given, but I don’t really understand the non literal meaning on Rock journalism. I don't even know what rock journalism is or if it even exists! I tried to google it and all I got was something about music and some guy or band that is known as Rock Journalists.

I think the description given by Zappa is funny, yet so unoriginal! I mean he basically literally thought of a rock, combined some cavemen and then stole some ideas from "The gods must be crazy" movie! (I actually still have that movie and watched it a few weeks ago!)

I don't even know what Rock journalism is and I still cannot find it anywhere on the internet. Does anyone know what it is? If you do please let me know, I would really appreciate it! I seriously don’t think it is from my generation, and if it is, I guess I need to become more culturally aware of things because like I said, I have never heard of Rock journalism before, or this Zappa guy either!

Monday, September 7, 2009

My Christmas vocab sucks!

Today in class Marian was talking about her daughter, Carrie and how she has a very little vocabulary about cars. I all of a suddenly realised that I have very little, or no vocabulary about Christmas!

I am Jewish and have therefore never experienced or celebrated Christmas. Once when I was 5 I was an angel in a Christmas play and had to sing silent night! I am not even sure if I know the real story behind Christmas and Jesus's birth, or if I only know the version told to pre school children.

I always hear in movies people saying "kiss under the mistleto" and people talk about the three wise men, I think James Blunt even sings a song with those words in them, but to me they have no meaning or understanding!

When I was younger I always wanted to celebrate Christmas so I could get presents. I wanted to wake up in the morning and go and find tons of presents under the decorated Christmas tree!

It was kind of hard for me when I was younger not to tell my friends that Father Christmas doesn't really exist and that it was their parents that gave them the presents, drank the milk and ate half the cookies left for him!

But I still think Christmas is cool and I love wishing my friends a happy merry merry Christmas and I have even received some Christmas presents before!!!!

What motivates me

I guess in different stages of my life, different things have motivated
me, but I guess my biggest motivation at the moment is knowing that I
am leaving really soon and therefore have so much to do! I can't waste
anytime. When I have something to do I do it straight away as I feel
that my time in South Africa is really limited. For sure I will be
back for holidays and family events, but it will never really be the

Another big motivation in my life is that in eight weeks or maybe even
less I will be finished with university! I think back to this same
feeling when I was in matric and writing finals and how exited and
scared I was about finishing school and going traveling over seas for
the year, but that was my motivation to finish school!

Last semester I was really nervous for my results as this year has
been particularly difficult for me, I can feel the change in the level
of work. I honestly thought I was going to fail the first semester and
in my head I was dropping out! But then I got really good results and
I am now motivated to continue working hard for the rest of this year
and I am looking forward to graduating, please G-d next year!